UNDB Holding and Liquidity Provider Rewards details

2 min readNov 5, 2020

At the time of start, we had 499 coins in circulation and 501 coins locked. When the locked coins got unlocked, we decided to Reward the early holders and liquidity providers of the community. It is a 150-day plan. Details are below:

UNDB Holders and Liquidity Providers Rewards Program

- 2 $UNDB will be proportionally rewarded daily over a span of 150 days starting tomorrow, 10/24/2020

- 1 $UNDB for Holders totalling a 150 $UNDB tokens reward (1 $UNDB x 150 days = 150 $UNDB tokens)

- 1 $UNDB for Liquidity Providers totalling a 150 $UNDB tokens reward (1 $UNDB x 150 days = 150 $UNDB tokens)

How this will happen:

- Snapshots of Holders and Liquidity Providers balances will be taken everyday on several randomly chosen times (Condition > 0.5 $UNDB).

- At an undisclosed time, the amount of reward will be calculated in proportion to the snapshot balances on that day.

- The rewards will be distributed only when it exceeds 0.5 $UNDB.

- Rewards details can be tracked here: http://unidexbot.com/rewards

Add Liquidity here: https://info.uniswap.org/token/0xd03b6ae96cae26b743a6207dcee7cbe60a425c70

🙏 Thank you for your ongoing support and stay tuned for more exciting features coming your way.

The $UNDB team!

Article Credit: @BitCoinly, @ChainLinkTCO

Features of UniDexBot

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- Try out for just 0.1 UNDB in your wallet.
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- Best supportive community.

Website: UniDexBot.com
WebApp: UniDexBot.com/app
Telegram: https://t.me/usw_bot
TG News: https://t.me/unidexbot_news
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TG License holders chat: https://telegram.me/collablandbot?start=recLDpkx3DLZiURcr_-tpc
TG FAQ: https://t.me/UniDexBotFAQ
TG Price bot: https://t.me/UniBotUNDB
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZyTCv9Viia4x7nW8eckcQ
Medium: https://unidexbot.medium.com/
Knowledge base: Link to all medium articles: https://unidexbot.medium.com/links-of-all-medium-articles-of-unidexbot-ed801b4f5302
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/unibot-cash
Contract address: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd03B6ae96CaE26b743A6207DceE7Cbe60a425c70

Admin: @undbadmin
Strategic Advisor: @BitCoinly

Community Admins:
@JuanZiro, @muffin_mann, @ChainLinkTCO, @HelpICantBreathee, @JayrX, @Hijazi620, @BluCEL

