bUNDB Holding and Liquidity Provider Rewards details

2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Just like we did/doing for UniDexBot, we decided to Reward the early holders and liquidity providers of the bUniDexBot too. It is a 100-day program. Details are below:

bUNDB Holders and Liquidity Providers Rewards Program

- 2 $bUNDB will be proportionally rewarded daily over a span of 100 days starting today, 02/24/2021

- 1 $bUNDB for Holders totalling a 100 $bUNDB tokens reward (1 $bUNDB x 100 days = 100 $bUNDB tokens)

- 1 $bUNDB for Liquidity Providers totalling a 100 $UNDB tokens reward (1 $bUNDB x 100 days = 100 $bUNDB tokens)

How this will happen:

- Snapshots of Holders and Liquidity Providers balances will be taken everyday on several randomly chosen times (Condition > 1.5 $bUNDB holding).

- At an undisclosed time, the amount of reward will be calculated in proportion to the snapshot balances on that day.

- The rewards will be distributed only when it exceeds 0.5 $bUNDB.

- Rewards details can be tracked here: https://unidexbot.com/rewardsBSC

- Any rewards accumulated below 0.5 $bUNDB will be sent after the program if the value is >$100

Add Liquidity here: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/add/ETH/0x3Dc8311B7d0FBc88eF600174E079bb0A34D370E6

🙏 Thank you for your ongoing support and stay tuned for more exciting features coming your way.

The $bUNDB team!

Article Credit: @BitCoinly

Features of bUniDexBot

- PanCakeSwap Private Limit Orders. No open book.
- Less gas cost. 10 times Approval setting is available. No gas required to create, edit or cancel orders.
- Funds stay in your wallet until execution.
- Automatic Percentage based buy and sell cycles. Print money automatically BRRRR!
- Charting Tools.
- Try out for just 0.1 bUNDB in your wallet.
-Stop Loss, Trail Stop.
- Windows and MAC desktop Apps.
- Adaptive UI for mobile devices.
- New listing Sniping
-Martingale Averaging (Upcoming).
- Dex Agnostic
- Best supportive community.
- Trading view signals (Upcoming)
- Dex Aggregator
- Zero gas trades using UNDG (Upcoming)
- Many other features like DCA bot (Upcoming)

Website: UniDexBot.com
WebApp: UniDexBot.com/app
Telegram: https://t.me/usw_bot
TG News: https://t.me/unidexbot_news
TG Trading: https://t.me/Unidexbot_price_group
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unidexbot
TG License holders chat: https://telegram.me/collablandbot?start=recLDpkx3DLZiURcr_-tpc
TG FAQ: https://t.me/UniDexBotFAQ
TG Price bot: https://t.me/UniBotUNDB
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZyTCv9Viia4x7nW8eckcQ
Medium: https://unidexbot.medium.com/
Knowledge base: Link to all medium articles: https://unidexbot.medium.com/links-of-all-medium-articles-of-unidexbot-ed801b4f5302
Coingecko UNDB: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/unibot-cash

