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Article Credit: @BitCoinly
Features of UniDexBot
- Private Uniswap Limit Orders. No open book.
- Less gas cost. 10 times Approval setting is available. No gas required to create, edit or cancel orders.
- Funds stay in your wallet until execution.
- Automatic Percentage based buy and sell cycles. Print money automatically BRRRR!
- Charting Tools.
- Try out for just 0.1 UNDB in your wallet.
- No hidden fees or cuts from your trades.
- Stop Loss, Trail Stop.
- Windows and MAC desktop Apps.
- Adaptive UI for mobile devices.
- Martingale Averaging (Upcoming).
- New listing Sniping (Upcoming).
- Dex Agnostic (Upcoming).
- Best supportive community.
Website: UniDexBot.com
WebApp: UniDexBot.com/app
Telegram: https://t.me/usw_bot
TG News: https://t.me/unidexbot_news
TG Trading: https://t.me/Unidexbot_price_group
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unidexbot
TG License holders chat: https://telegram.me/collablandbot?start=recLDpkx3DLZiURcr_-tpc
TG FAQ: https://t.me/UniDexBotFAQ
TG Price bot: https://t.me/UniBotUNDB
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZyTCv9Viia4x7nW8eckcQ
Medium: https://unidexbot.medium.com/
Knowledge base: Link to all medium articles: https://unidexbot.medium.com/links-of-all-medium-articles-of-unidexbot-ed801b4f5302
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/unibot-cash
Contract address: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd03B6ae96CaE26b743A6207DceE7Cbe60a425c70
Admin: @undbadmin
Strategic Advisor: @BitCoinly
Community Admins:
@JuanZiro, @muffin_mann, @ChainLinkTCO, @HelpICantBreathee, @JayrX, @Hijazi620, @BluCEL