What is the tokenomics of $UNDB?

2 min readNov 7, 2020

Tokenomics as of November 2nd, 2020 is as follows:

Total supply — 1000

Circulating supply — 599

Locked in Smart Contract: 401 {240 will be used for early holder and liquidity rewards, 120 is for team, 41 is for Reserves} (https://etherscan.io/token/0xd03B6ae96CaE26b743A6207DceE7Cbe60a425c70?a=0x3a43eba521c740c925ab13c0367ee9dbd4c3f55d)

Once this lock gets over, we will lock 301 tokens again for another 31 days.

On December 2, 401 UNDB tokens got unlocked. Out of this, we locked 301 UNDB again for a month. We set aside the rest for paying Rewards and Project expenses. Above is a representation of the different wallets now and the code to verify the lock:


On January 4th, 301 tokens had been unlocked and we locked 225 tokens again for a month. The difference is to use for paying the ongoing Rewards. Verify lock here: the code to verify the lock:


Article Credit: @BitCoinly

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